This post has been on my mind for a while, but I just never got around to making it. I have been super busy lately and my time on the computer outside of work is very rare these days. That may be good or bad. Anyhow, I just want to make a summary of the summer so that I don’t forget it in the future if anything else.
June: This month started off well and the first week in I finally got a house! It was my seventh attempt, but I finally got one that accepted my offer and I was in contract. However, the very next week I started feeling awful and it got to the point where I decided I needed to go to a doctor. I thought it might be the flu but it turns out I had mono. That’s something you are supposed to get when you are in K-12 and here I am almost 30 getting mono. Just my luck! The first three weeks were pretty awful but after that the symptoms started to tapper off. I hope that they will find a vaccine for this sometime in the future, but at least for me I will never have to deal with it again. June wrapped up with a business trip as well as the typical house buying activities.
July: July was very hot and by the middle of the month I had completed all of the stuff for my house and was now a home owner. I also made a much needed trip to IKEA. I can’t wait until it is in Columbus next year. Very exciting but also somewhat scary. Luckily there was not too much rain during August so I didn’t have to do much mowing. I did do a lot of spending though because as I found out my house needs many more things than apartment life needed. By now all my mono symptoms had vanished.
August: The start of August was a lot more of July just busy getting things I needed and doing things for the house. However soon enough high school football kicked off and that started to occupy my weekends. I also had two weddings in the span of a couple weeks. I did get to travel Wisconsin and see some old friends which was nice. About this time though I started to get my yard in shape after acquiring many yard tools.
September: Another wedding and more high school football. The Buckeyes were rolling up to this point which was great. The Browns were being awful which was expected. This was also my birthday month and I turned 30. I entered another decade of my life. This month also brings along fall and soon enough the weather will begin to dramatically change.
So that was a quick overview of June to September. It doesn’t seem like much in text but there was a lot packed into these months. I did take a lot of pictures to document the memories. In the future I hope to post more often and include those pictures to keep all the details straight.