Trip to Memphis

I was able to grab a few pictures during my recent trip to Memphis. This trip was a split of American Airlines and United Airlines.

On this trip, I was able to fly my first MD-83, at least from what I can remember. I might have flown one when I was younger, but back then I wasn’t as interested in the types of planes I was getting to fly. This plane has an interesting layout with 2 seats on the left side and three seats on the right side. Say hello to N9616G!

American Airlines N9616G 2018-04-02

I didn’t get a great picture of this due to how the jet bridge was situated, but this was N811NN a Boeing 737-800 for our quick trip over to Memphis.

American Airlines N811NN 2018-04-02

Oh the way out of DFW, I got to see Dallas Cowboys Stadium.

Dallas Cowboys Stadium 2018-04-02

During my time in Memphis, it started out warm but a storm moved through and it was very cold the remaining time there. However, I did get to enjoy some nice BBQ visiting both Central BBQ and Rendezvous. I also got to spend some time with my sister and her family which was very nice since I had not seen them in some time.

Leaving Memphis, I got to see many big FedEx planes since the Memphis Airport is the FedEx hub. There were a couple of UPS planes in the background, but they were greatly outnumbered. I think these were MD-11Fs. I also got to see a few Boeing 777s which are my favorite plane.

Memphis Airport 2018-04-05

The last plane I got a picture of was N855RW an Embraer 170.
United Airlines N855RW 2018-04-05

It was snowing when we landed in Chicago O’Hare and things were already getting backed up. My last flight into Columbus was delayed due to a late inbound plane. However, once it landed they quickly got it ready and de-iced for our quick flight. Since it was dark, I didn’t get a picture of it, but the plane was an Embraer 175 N723YX.

That sums up my first documented trip in a while. I hope to grab more pictures next time.

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