Images have been moved back home

Back when I first started this blog I hosted the images with the WordPress Media Library. Then I found a cool service called B2 Backblaze which works like Amazon S3, but at a fraction of the cost. I was not able to find a huge need for the service, but I decided to try offloading the blog images there to allow for quick access and to take the load off of the server.

However, over the years, I have found it to be tedious to upload the images on B2, grab the URL, and put it in the blog. So late last year I decided to go back to the WordPress Image Library. The biggest problem though were that I had almost 250 images stored in B2 and had to migrate all of them back to WordPress eventually.

Well I am glad to update that effort is finally done. I did not have that many posts, but uploading the images and fixing the links too a long time to complete. It also was a good time reviewing all of my old posts and reminiscing. I am still using B2 to store my website backups, but all of my files are not accessible to the outside world anymore.

NFL Draft in Cleveland

Terminal Tower with the Browns logo 4/30/2021

This past week and weekend the NFL Draft was in Cleveland. We went up on Friday afternoon and did some of the activities around the stadium. It was a great experience and there were a lot of people out and about which was nice to see.

One of the really cool things was that the logo and team colors were put up when they were on the clock. We grabbed this picture when the Browns were drafting.

We stayed at the Renaissance Hotel and were not far from First Energy Stadium. It was pretty chilly with the lake wind, so we watched most of the 3rd round back at the hotel lobby bar and got some food.

This was the first overnight trip of the year. Hopefully there will be many more to come!