San Francisco Trip October 2019

Last weekend, we took a quick trip out to San Francisco to see the Browns play the 49ers on Monday Night Football. The game did not go as hoped, but we did get to see some cool stuff while we were out there.

We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge this time. Last time we walked over it.

Golden Gate Bridge

We also drove around downtown San Francisco and over the Bay Bridge before getting some lunch at In-N-Out. Since it was a Sunday, we watched some NFL football.

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First Trips of 2019

This past week I took my first flights of 2019. The first two were non eventful and I took an Airbus A319 and a Boeing 737-800 on American Airlines back and forth to DFW. However, my next set of flights were much better! I got to finally set foot on an Airbus A330-200 and in first class to boot from an upgrade. First time I got to enjoy the lie-flat seats.

Here she is in all her beauty, American Airlines Airbus A330-200 N289AY.

N289AY 2019-01-23

Of course, I had to document my seat experience!

First Class 2019-01-23

It is going to be hard to go back to economy after this.

The flights back were not as great. The winter weather is in full force and I got stuck in Chicago for a bit. I landed early and decided to take a standby flight back home so that I could get in at a reasonable hour at the cost of my confirmed upgrade on a later flight. Well, my luck had run out as that flight got delayed three hours and we arrived just a few minutes before my originally scheduled flight. At least I know better for next time and to avoid Chicago at all costs during the winter!

August Flights

August was a light flying month for me and I only had six flights. I didn’t get on any notable planes, but I did see a couple of cool ones at DFW on my last leg.

First up American Airlines Boeing 787-8 N818AL at DFW. I think this had just come in from CDG.

American Airlines N818AL 2018-08-29
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Busy month of flying

June was my busiest month of flying to date. I had 15 flights during the month – traveling almost every week. July is shaping up to be just slightly more busy. Instead of putting out all of the pictures from the month, I will just share a few of the highlights during my travels.

During a layover at PHL I saw quite a few American Airlines A330s.

PHL 2018-06-10
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First Trip to Dallas

I have been to Dallas a few times in the last couple of months, but only for connecting flights. This time I actually flew to Dallas. I only got one picture since I had direct flights both ways and on the return flight the gates were situated in such way that I could not get a picture. Here is American Airlines 737-800 N335PH.

American Airlines N335PH

My return flight was American Airlines MD-83 N970TW. Both flights were long, but uneventful, which is always nice. Everything was on time this trip as well. This trip was a quick in an out, but I should be back to Dallas in a month or two, so hopefully I will have some interesting pictures.

Trip to Tulsa

This past week, I made my first trip to Oklahoma. For this trip, American Airlines provided all of my flights.

My first flight was provided by CRJ-200 N262PS for a quick trip to Charlotte. I was supposed to have a quick connection here and was afraid I would miss it since the first flight was delayed 30 minutes, but my second flight had already been delayed. Here is N262PS after we landed in Charlotte. We did not have a jet bridge, so I was able to grab a great shot of it from the ground.

American Airlines N262PS 2018-04-09
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Trip to Memphis

I was able to grab a few pictures during my recent trip to Memphis. This trip was a split of American Airlines and United Airlines.

On this trip, I was able to fly my first MD-83, at least from what I can remember. I might have flown one when I was younger, but back then I wasn’t as interested in the types of planes I was getting to fly. This plane has an interesting layout with 2 seats on the left side and three seats on the right side. Say hello to N9616G!

American Airlines N9616G 2018-04-02
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