San Francisco Trip October 2019

Last weekend, we took a quick trip out to San Francisco to see the Browns play the 49ers on Monday Night Football. The game did not go as hoped, but we did get to see some cool stuff while we were out there.

We drove over the Golden Gate Bridge this time. Last time we walked over it.

Golden Gate Bridge

We also drove around downtown San Francisco and over the Bay Bridge before getting some lunch at In-N-Out. Since it was a Sunday, we watched some NFL football.

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American Airlines and United Airlines – A Comparison

I recently switched my travel to United Airlines after some less than pleasant experiences with American Airlines in April which caused us to miss a family wedding. After a month and thirteen flights, I felt like I had a good sample to make a comparison between the two. I realize that this is incomplete because it does not factor in things such as extreme summer or winter weather since all of this travel was during a relatively tame spring month. Also both sets of data do not have any international flights since my job does not require this yet for me. So with those qualifications let’s jump into the details!

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Hello Houston

This week I was off to Houston for the first time ever. On this trip, I was scheduled to get a ride on my first Boeing 767 ever, but the weather had other plans. However, it was for the best because I ended up getting direct flights both ways. I guess there was a silver lining this time, but I still have that box to check and get on a 767.

The first flight was provided by United N88331. I was able to get some pictures of it coming into the gate.

United N88331 2018-04-16
United N88331 2018-04-16
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